
We now have over 407,000 KM of hiking trails around the world.

You asked for more. And now we give you more than ever!

Just this week, HiiKER passed 3,000 trails on our platform. That means we now have more than 407K km of hiking trails for you to choose from.

Not enough? We thought you might say that…

We are not stopping there. Each day we are adding more and more trails to the platform. We expect to have more that 4,000 trails on the platform before the end of 2021.

Still not enough? We are glad you said that!

To achieve our mission to connect more people with the planet, we plan on mapping every single hiking trail on the planet. Thus creating the go-to platform for finding, planning and navigate your hiking adventure – no matter what trail it is.

Keep up to date with the trails we cover and our latest content through the HiiKER instagram account.

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